Help Your Teen Build Resilience

Helping your teen build resilience is one of the most important things you can do as a parent. Having resilience can give your child the mental, emotional, and behavioral adaptability for challenging life experiences. 

At CERTS in Utah, we want to encourage parents to help their children grow and develop skills that will help them throughout their lives. Our residential care facility can also help your teen grow through their hardships and come out stronger and more resilient.

9 Ways to Build Resilience

With your help, your teen can develop the skill set required for resilience. It is important to know that there may be setbacks along the way, but if you show them how to be resilient, they will be able to build the skills they need in life. We can also help them develop the skill set they need at CERTS residential care.

1. Encourage Independence

Independence can foster a sense of autonomy and self-confidence, encourage your child by allowing them to make age-appropriate choices and take responsibility for their actions. At CERTS residential care, we encourage independence in our students so they can become confident in their life choices.

2. Promote a Growth Mindset

Emphasizing the importance of effort and perseverance will encourage your teen to adopt a growth mindset and positive attitude. Failure is a part of life and each student at our residential care facility can always improve through hard work and practice.

3. Allow Them to Solve Their Own Problems

Provide opportunities for your teen to practice problem-solving skills, helping them develop confidence in their abilities. Support them when they need it, but let them solve their own problems to gain confidence and understanding.

4. Encourage Positive Self Talk

Teach your teen to replace negative thoughts with positive ones to help them develop a more optimistic outlook and boost their self-esteem. Our residential care therapies at CERTS can also help them learn how to positively self-talk and grow their self confidence.

5. Celebrate Your Teen’s Accomplishments

No matter how small they may seem, celebrate your teen’s accomplishments. Taking the moment to celebrate their hard work can help build your child’s self-esteem and a sense of pride in their abilities.

6. Make Space for Risk-Taking

Successful risk-taking can help your teen develop courage and confidence in their own abilities, allow your child to take appropriate risks by trying new things and stepping out of their comfort zone. Risk-taking can lead to your child’s biggest successes, but they need to know that they can fail and still be okay.

7. Teach Coping Skills

Coping skills can help your child manage everyday stress and anxiety, these skills can include mindfulness, positive visualization, and deep breathing. Our residential care treatment can also help your teen cope with our different types of therapy.

8. Provide Unconditional Love and Support

Providing unconditional love and support to your teen, even when they make mistakes, is essential in developing a sense of security and confidence in their relationships. Close ties to their community provides a sense of belonging for your child.

9. Model Resilience and Confidence

As a parent, you should model resilience and confidence when you face hardships. Your teen learns from your example, so it’s important to model behaviors you want them to adopt, like self-care, setting goals, and persistence. 

Get Professional Help with CERTS Residential Care

If your teen is struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, or depression, seek professional help through our residential care therapists and counselors at CERTS. Residential care can provide additional support and guidance in building resilience and confidence. Instilling resilience in your child requires hard work, perseverance, and dedication to offer support and encouragement. 

CERTS residential care is here to help you set your teen up for success as they continue exploring all the world has to offer. Call us today to learn more about our residential treatment centers including Kolob Canyon, La Europa Academy, Moonridge Academy, and Mountain Springs Preparatory Academy.
